Phone Numbers
Phone Number is simply a calling number that will be used in your campaigns to connect with your customers
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Phone Number is simply a calling number that will be used in your campaigns to connect with your customers
Last updated
Phone number(s) are the calling number(s) that your assistant(s) would need to have an access to, that they can use to call you customers on your behalf. So, we use third party dailers that can provide such a number. So, when you successfully setup a campaign, your customers would receive a call from this number. You can add one or multiple numbers to your account, and you can use a single phone number in all of your campaigns or use a different phone number for each campaign.
We support Twilio and Plivo numbers.
Note: Twilio offers $15 and Plivo Offers $25 in complimentary credits for new Twilio/Plivo users which can be used to purchase a Twilio/Plivo number(s).
Sing up/ Sign in to twilio
Select Phone Numbers in the left panel
Click on Buy Number & fill in the details.
Once done click on Search
Select a number of your choice & click on Buy Number & Continue
Edit only Alias Field if you want & click on Configure Number
Congratulations !! You have successfully bought your Twilio number